A by-election was held on Saturday 17 February 2024 to fill an extraordinary vacancy for a Lyttelton Community Subdivision representative on the Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula Community Board.

The vacancy arose from the recent resignation of Reuben Davidson.

This by-election was for electors enrolled in the Lyttelton Community Subdivision of the Banks Peninsula Ward(external link).


Jillian Frater has been elected the newest representative for the Lyttelton Community Subdivision on the Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula Community Board. 

Voting closed at noon on Saturday 17 February, and the final results show:

  • Jillian Frater received 1003 votes
  • Vicki Tahau-Paton received 344 votes

The voter return was 51.18%.

View the final results - 20 February [PDF, 75 KB]

View the preliminary results - 19 February [PDF, 67 KB]

View the progress results - 17 February [PDF, 24 KB]


There were two candidates for this by-election:

Jillian Frater

The People's Choice

My principal place of residence is within the Lyttelton Community Subdivision of the Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula Community Board area.

I’m committed to our community and our environment. I’m standing so we can make sure Ōhinehou Lyttelton and Banks Peninsula remain great places to live.

I’ve lived here for 33 years and had various community roles including Chair of Lyttelton West School Board, President of Lyttelton Plunket and President of Lyttelton Tennis Club.

I’ve volunteered at the Information Centre, Community House and am the coordinator for Predator Free Lyttelton.

As a researcher at the University of Canterbury I work on sustainable transport and mental health. I previously worked as a town planner and have good knowledge of Council processes and the Resource Management Act.

We face big issues like adapting to climate change, managing visitors to Banks Peninsula and maintaining and enhancing the quality of the environment.

With your support, I am confident I have the skills, experience and values to be a strong and effective advocate tackling these challenges.

Vicki Tahau-Paton


My principal place of residence is within the Lyttelton Community Subdivision of the Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula Community Board area.

I'm not just stepping up to the plate; I'm diving headfirst into the heart of our community, with a passion to turn our challenges into triumphs. 

Roads? Water quality? Public transport? Rubbish?

These aren't just words; they're the battlegrounds where I'm ready to fight for our community's well-being. I'm the roar that will echo your concerns, your dreams, and your aspirations: your concerns, magnified through a megaphone of dedication and action. 

Communication? It's not just a checkbox—it's my top priority! I'm not here just to listen; but to be your advocate, your ally, your relentless force of change. 

Let’s talk about the division we're facing; enough is enough I’ll bridge gaps, unite hearts, and turn challenges into opportunities. Together, we're not just closing the gap; we're building bridges that connect us all. 

It's not just a campaign; it's action for positive results and a future that sparkles with unity.

Candidate return of electoral donations and expenses

After a by-election, candidates are required to submit a return of electoral donations and expenses.

The returns received as of 2 April 2024 are below:

Candidate Affiliation
Tahau-Paton, Vicki [PDF, 151 KB] Independent
Frater, Jillian [PDF, 155 KB]  The People's Choice

Election details

This by-election was for electors enrolled in the Lyttelton Community Subdivision [PDF, 2.9 MB] of the Banks Peninsula Ward. 

The by-election was conducted by postal voting under the First Past the Post (FPP) electoral system. Candidate names were listed in random order on the voting papers.

Voting papers were mailed out to electors on Friday 26 January 2024 and voting closed at 12 noon on Saturday 17 February 2024. 

Returns of voting documents are available at electionz.com/LGE2024/CCC/returns.htm(external link).

Special voting arrangements

Special voting facilities for the by-election were available Monday to Friday between Friday 26 January and Friday 16 February 2024 from:

  • Christchurch City Council, Civic Offices, 53 Hereford Street, 9am to 5pm
  • Lyttelton Library and Service Centre, Customer Services Desk, 18 Canterbury Street, 10am to 2pm

Voting bins will also be available at these locations for electors to return completed voting documents.

Special voting documents were able to be requested from Friday 26 January 2024 from the Electoral Team on 03 941 8581 or elections@ccc.govt.nz

On Saturday 17 February 2024, special voting facilities were available at:

  • Council Civic Offices, 9am to 12 noon
  • Lyttelton Library and Customer Services, 10am to 12 noon

Read our frequently asked questions about the by-election [PDF, 46 KB].

Contact the Electoral Team at elections@ccc.govt.nz or 03 941 8581.

The Electoral Officer for this by-election is Jo Daly. Jo can be contacted by phone at 03 941 8581 or by email at elections@ccc.govt.nz.

Electoral rolls and enrolment

The final electoral used for the by-election can be inspected during normal operating hours at any of the following locations:

  • Christchurch City Council, Civic Offices, 53 Hereford Street
  • Lyttelton Library and Service Centre, 18 Canterbury Street

Residential electors may enrol or amend their enrolment details on the electoral roll by contacting the Electoral Commission(external link).

Applications for registration as a ratepayer elector are to be made on the non-resident ratepayer elector enrolment form [PDF, 171 KB].

Information for candidates

Nominations for the above position opened on Friday 24 November 2023 and were required to be made on the official nomination form.

Nominations closed at 12 noon on Friday 22 December 2023.

Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula Community Board

Information about Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula Community Board and the Banks Peninsula ward is below:


Public notices: