Community consultation archive
Consultations prior to July 2023 are listed below.
For open consultations, and consultations that have closed since July 2023, visit Kōrero mai | Let’s talk(external link).
This year’s Draft Annual Plan sets out how we propose to manage ratepayers’ money and assets for the next 12 months. I think we can all see this is drafted against a tough backdrop.
We're looking to install new safety features on Avonhead Road and Withells Road, near Burnside park.
We’re developing our draft Community Board Plans across the city and Banks Peninsula and we’d like to hear your feedback.
Help us choose the type of equipment you would like to see at Avebury playground.
Help us by choosing your favourite play equipment for Queenspark Reserve playground.
Tell us what you think about making it way safer to cross Heaton Street.
We’re proposing a comprehensive redevelopment of Avon Park and the surrounding pockets of regeneration area between 740 Avonside Dr and Kerrs Rd to incorporate the City to Sea Pathway, improve local ecology and upgrade the current recreational facilities.
Trees are on the job for us, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, working to improve our local neighbourhoods, our wellbeing and helping to mitigate the effects of our changing climate.
We want to hear what you think about our proposed changes to our waste bylaws.
Wycola Skate Park has reached the end of its useable life and needs revamping. We want to know what features are important to you and any suggestions you may have.
We've been working with the students of Waitākiri School to develop a new playground. We're now seeking your feedback on the design.
Following community consultation, we've developed a landscape plan for the new playground
We’re making it safer around all schools and surrounding neighbourhoods.
We want to hear from anyone and everyone who lives, works or plays in Whakaraupō-Lyttelton Harbour and Koukourarata-Port Levy about what you value in this beautiful area.
We are improving pedestrian safety in Knights Stream to support students’ journey to school.
The intersection of Cashmere Rd, Colombo St, Centaurus Rd and Dyers Pass Rd is heavily used by people catching the bus, cycling, driving and walking.
We are seeking expressions of interest from community organisations who are interested in 151 - 153 Gilberthorpes Road.
We’re very keen to hear the views of local residents, businesses and community groups on whether they support an alcohol ban, and what area should be covered by a ban.
Help us plan the activities, programmes and events we will offer.
We're planning to upgrade the streets surrounding Te Kaha so that they're prepared for the increased activity this area is likely to experience. Have your say on the plans.
Expression of interest - Purchase and relocation of Opawa Children's Library building