In response to concerns raised with the Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board, we are now seeking feedback on two alternative options for this intersection.
Consultation on St Andrews Hill Road/Bridle Path Road/Main Road Intersection has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from Wednesday 25 January 2017 to Friday 27 February 2017.
During this time we heard from 640 individuals and groups. You can read their feedback below.
St Andrews Hill Road/Bridle Path Road/Main Road Intersection feedback [PDF, 905 KB]
In March 2015 the reconstruction of Ferrymead Bridge was completed following the earthquakes. The reconstruction of the bridge meant that the previous intersection of St Andrews Hill Road with Main Road could not be accommodated and a new layout was
proposed. Many options were considered at the time and the preferred option was that which exists now.
Concerns have been raised with the Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board from the community regarding the safety of the current intersection layout. In response to these concerns, Council has prepared two alternative options for this intersection that we are now seeking feedback from the community on. The status quo will also be considered as an option.
The following restrictions had to be considered when developing options for the intersection:
Do nothing – leave the intersection as is.
Existing intersection layout
New traffic signals on St Andrews Hill Road to replace the existing give way signs, and new pre-signals on Bridle Path Road south of the intersection with St Andrews Hill Road. Traffic on Bridle Path Road will wait for traffic to exit from St Andrews Hill Road when the pre-signals are showing red. Traffic exiting St Andrews Hill Road will be able to exit safely without traffic approaching from Main Road or Ferry Road.
Delays for traffic on St Andrews Hill Road may be less than presently experienced but there will be slightly increased delays for traffic on Bridle Path Road and Main Road/Ferry Road.
Option 2
This option prevents a right turn for Bridle Path Road traffic into Main Road by enlarging the footprint of the existing traffic island and extending it through to Main Road. The right turn lane is dedicated to traffic exiting from St Andrews Hill Road. Traffic exiting St Andrews Hill Road will still need to give way to traffic approaching from the right. Traffic on Bridle Path Road wishing to travel east will need to use alternative routes.
Delays will result for traffic travelling east from Bridle Path Road from the need to use an alternative route if travelling east.
Option 3