Learn more about your community, be active in the outdoors and meet new people. There are many events throughout the year. Activities vary but may involve general clean-ups, planting, weeding and mulching.
Some of our planting events are family-friendly and eligible for Children's University (CU) credits.
Find an event for you, your family and friends to join. Please read the volunteer guidelines, then contact the listed organiser.
Community volunteer days
Regular working bees
Event | Next event date | Ranger contact |
Akaroa Cemetery | Once a fortnight | heidi.wilton@ccc.govt.nz, 027 547 2933 |
Addington Park(external link) |
1st Saturday of the month, 10-11am. |
Friends of Addington Park Facebook(external link) |
Ashgrove Reserve(external link) | heidi.wilton@ccc.govt.nz, 027 547 2933 | |
Barnett Park(external link) | Every Sunday from 1pm to 3pm | rosemary@spiritednz.com |
Bottle Lake and Spencer Park | To suit | Park Rangers 03 941 8999 |
Brooker Reserve(external link) |
Second Sunday of the month
avonotakaroforestpark@gmail.com |
Charlesworth Reserve (Ferrymead) |
Every Sunday:
Andrew Crossland, 027 434 1155 |
Coronation Reserve | Every Friday from 9am to 10.30am | heidi.wilton@ccc.govt.nz, 027 547 2933 |
CVNZ(external link) | Every Wednesday from 9.30am to 12.30pm | Donna Lusby, dlusby@cvnz.org.nz |
Diamond Harbour | Last Sunday of the month through to August from 10am to 1pm | heidi.wilton@ccc.govt.nz, 027 547 2933 |
Donkey Track | First Sunday of the month from 10am to midday |
Te Ringatina Group via Heidi Wilton 027 547 2933 |
Drayton Reserve |
Middle Sunday and last Saturday of the month
Karen Smith, 027 886 5988 |
Duncan Park | Every Friday through to August at midday | heidi.wilton@ccc.govt.nz, 027 547 2933 |
Ernle Clark(external link) | Last Saturday of the month from 3pm to 4pm | heidi.wilton@ccc.govt.nz, 027 547 2933 |
Farnley Reserve | Every third Sunday from 9am to 10.30am | friendsoffarnley@gmail.com |
Laura Kent | First Saturday of every month from 9am to 11am | Karen Smith, 027 886 5988 |
McCormacks Bay | Third Sunday of the month from 2pm to 4pm | Holly Whitaker, 027 240 6276 |
Papanui Bush | Second Tuesday of the month from 8.30am to 12.30pm | Denis McMurtrie, 021 125 1920 |
South New Brighton Domain | Third Saturday of every month from 2pm to 4pm | Pieter Borcherds, 027 611 8655 |
Styx bird monitoring | First Saturday of the month | antony.shadbolt@ccc.govt.nz |
Styx water quality monitoring | Third Saturday of the month | styxwq@gmail.com |
Thistledown Reserve | Last Saturday of the month at 10am | Karen Smith, 027 886 5988 |
Travis Wetland | Third Saturday of the month from 9am to 12.30pm | John Skilton, 027 4968 935 |
More opportunities
Event | Details |
Volunteer track projects |
Get involved with the development and maintenance of walking and biking tracks with the Port Hills recreation team. Contact Rodney.Chambers@ccc.govt.nz or Nick.Singleton@ccc.govt.nz |
Drayton Reserve Volunteer(external link) (external link) |
Regular working bees, sign up for their newsletters to find out when the next one is. |
Styx Field Volunteers(external link)(external link) | Gain field skills, learn about conservation and help restore native forests to the Pūharakekenu-Styx. |
We run regular working bees maintaining our 10 sites in the OARC. Follow us on Facebook for event details.(external link) | |
Eco Canterbury Calendar | The Eco Canterbury Calendar lists environment-themed events in the region. |
Forest and Bird Youth Christchurch(external link) | Forest and Bird Youth Christchurch is an environmental advocacy group for 14 to 25-year-olds. If you're interested in conservation projects, campaigns and volunteering, contact Alex, Christy or Amelia at forestandbirdyouthchch@gmail.com. |
Community gardens(external link) | If you're keen to learn more about gardening or want to share your expertise, a community garden might be right for you. |
Graffiti removal | Get involved with graffiti removal around Christchurch. |
Volcan(external link) (external link) |
Volunteer Canterbury offers a wide range of projects for individuals and groups. |
Conservation Volunteers New Zealand(external link) | Conservation projects. |
iNaturalist(external link) | Join the online community and record your nature observations on iNaturalist. You can also explore observations made around New Zealand, and learn more about our native species. |
Map of volunteering locations