The Place Partnership Fund supports those seeking to strengthen connections between communities and their places and spaces to foster inclusion, local identity, shared experience and stewardship.

Apply for the Place Partnership Fund

Check funding availability and eligibility before filling out an application

For assistance email

The fund is designed to encourage and support short or long term projects. Proposals will be considered that are well-planned and demonstrate a partnership approach.

This fund is open to individuals, community organisations and legal entities.


Proposals must demonstrate how they meet the Fund’s purpose to:

  • Strengthen connections between communities and their places and spaces, to foster inclusion, local identity, shared experience and stewardship.
  • Build community capacity and active participation in civic life.
  • Create vibrant and welcoming places and spaces through place-based approaches to public installations or social activity.
  • Connect people through active collaboration and partnership.
  • Evolve with the city to address current and future needs.
  • Act as a testing ground for creative, experimental and innovative ideas.


Applications are open from 1 July each year. Once the annual allocation of funds is exhausted the fund is closed.

Funding period is for 12 months after date of submission.

The Place Partnership Fund will be managed under the processes and delegations of the Metropolitan Discretionary Response Fund(external link).

Proposals may be co-funded by the Place Partnership Fund and the Discretionary Response Fund.

Before applying to this Fund, please contact a Funding Advisor by emailing


Funding available:

  • 2021/2022 - $82,000
  • 2022/2023 - $87,000
  • 2023/2024 - $107,000

Grants are an unconditional gift and therefore not subject to GST. Successful applicants will be awarded grants exclusive of GST.  GST cannot be paid.

What this fund does not cover

  • Retrospective costs incurred or settled before the agreed commencement date of the funding agreement.
  • Debt servicing or refinancing costs.
  • Stock or capital market investment.
  • Gambling or prize money.
  • Entertainment costs (except for costs directly linked to volunteer recognition).
  • Payment of any legal expenditure, including costs or expenditures related to mediation disputes or ACC, Employment Tribunal, Small Claims Tribunal, Professional or Disciplinary Body hearings.
  • Purchase of land and buildings.
  • Building maintenance or facility design, development and renovation costs.
  • Activities or initiatives where the primary purpose is to promote religious ministry, political objectives, commercial or profit-oriented interests.
  • Fundraising.
  • Medical or healthcare costs – including treatment and insurance fees.
  • Money that will be redistributed as grant funding, sponsorship, donations, bequests, aid funding or aid to other recipients.
  • Payment of fines, court costs, mediation costs, IRD penalties or retrospective tax payments.
  • Purchase of vehicles and any related ongoing maintenance, repair, overhead costs or road user charges.
  • Private social functions.
  • Air travel, accommodation, hotel/motel expenses.
  • Conference fees and costs.
  • Projects that have received other Council funding in the same financial year.
  • Projects that are considered to be the primary responsibility of local or central government or another funding body. An exception may be where sites are brokered by Life in Vacant Spaces.

Responsibilities and reporting

  • Successful projects may be required to hold public liability insurance, and a health and safety plan and comply with relevant regulations and consents.
  • Payment of grants will be made following the signing of a funding agreement by both parties.
  • Funding received will need to be spent 12 months from receiving the grant.
  • Any changes to the use of the grant must be discussed with Council staff and agreed upon, or funding may be required to be returned.
  • Grantees will be expected to provide a brief report detailing the success of their project, including a description of the outcomes achieved against the Fund purpose and a financial summary.
  • Reporting is due when the grant is spent or 13 months after the money was granted.

Complete an end-of-project report