The Council is responsible for allocating street and road numbers to properties within the district.

Apply for a new street number or change an existing number

A standard numbering system benefits the community by enabling easier identification and location of properties for visitors, quicker and improved response in emergency situations and efficient delivery of goods and services to properties.

Under the Public Places Bylaw 2018 the number allocated to a property by the Council must be displayed prominently.

The Council operates the 'Rapid' numbering system in rural areas and the Australasian numbering standards in urban areas.

Road and ROW names are established at the time of subdivision, where these are required.

Allocation of numbers

Property addresses should be sequential and unique. When entering from the adjoining road, odd numbers are on the left-hand side of the road and even numbers on the right.

Numerical preferences are not taken into consideration when allocating numbers, and all numbers can potentially be issued (e.g. #4 and #13 will be allocated).

On corner properties, the allocated number will depend on where the driveway access is located, however Council will endeavour to retain a number for each frontage to allow for future use or redevelopment.

If subdivision results in whole numbers not being available, alphabetical suffixes starting at A are able to be assigned incrementally but shall not extend beyond E.

Where six or more address sites exist off a single access way then the access way shall be named.

If a subdivision takes place which increases the number of address sites to six or more on the same access way, then the access way shall be named as part of that subdivision. The road name will then apply to all new and existing address sites on the right-of-way, with appropriate sequential numbering allocated as part of the subdivision process.

Suburb / Postcode information

A suburb is a reference to a general area of a city. The name of the suburb is usually derived from the name of a nearby school, post office or subdivision and is often used by businesses to divide the city into administrative areas.

The Council does not keep records for suburbs as there are no legal boundaries. Suburb boundaries are arbitrary.  

For postal delivery, suburbs are no longer used. They were replaced in 1981 by postcodes.

Find your postcode

New Zealand Post address and postcode finder(external link)

Most New Zealand PostShops(external link) also offer a copy of the postcodes.

Displaying street numbers

It is important that you use the property number that the Council has allocated and that this is clearly displayed on your property.

If your property is accessed by a private lane or right-of-way, you should display the number at the street and up the right-of-way at the entrance to your property.

The number displayed must be:

  • at least 50mm in height
  • a colour that contrasts with its background
  • maintained by the owner in a way that easily identifies the property at all times
  • easily visible from the road to which the building or group of buildings has frontage

Numbers must be displayed on a permanent fixture close to the road and close to the principal entrance to the land or building.

If your property is a unit or part of a group of buildings, the number should be displayed above or close to the principal entrance doorway.

Applying for a street number

Street numbers are allocated by the Council when new properties are created through subdivision. New numbers are generally advised to the developer and Land Information NZ upon titles being issued and received by the Council.

Use our online form if you are changing your property’s access, or are building a second house on a property and need a new number.

How to find your property number

Check your rates invoice. The street number is shown in the 'location' information.

If this differs from what is being displayed/used on the property please contact the Council to check or update.

Please email

Street numbers in urban areas

In urban areas, property numbers are allocated using the Australian/New Zealand Standards for rural and urban addressing AS/NZS 4819 2011 standards.

This is a general guide to the most commonly asked street numbering queries. For more examples and information on these standards and you can refer to the Land Information NZ website(external link).

Rural property (Rapid) numbers

The Rapid numbering system is the standard method of rural property identification for New Zealand.

Rapid stands for:

  • Rural 
  • Address 
  • Property 
  • Identification.

How the Rapid system works

Properties are given a unique number based on their distance along a road from its start point to the boundary/entrance way of the property. Even numbers are allocated to properties on the right side of the road, and odd numbers to properties on the left.

The number is calculated by measuring the distance between the property and the start point of the road and multiplying this by 100. Numbers are rounded to the next whole number. For example, a property 0.5km along a road will have the rapid number 50, property number 200 will be 2km from the start of the road.

One of the benefits of the system is that a property can be found even if the number is not displayed. Note the odometer reading when entering a road, travel the required kilometres and you should be at or near the entrance of the property.

Displaying Rapid numbers

The property’s Rapid numbered should be displayed prominently at the road entrance to the property. Rapid numbers are normally white reflective numbers on a blue reflective background and are displayed on a dedicated post.

If your house is located down a shared right-of-way or access lane, it is recommended that the Rapid number is displayed at the entrance of the access way and also at the property entrance off the right-of-way.

Keep the number clear of long grass and overhanging vegetation.

Applying for a Rapid number

Rapid numbers are allocated by the Council when new properties are created through subdivision. New numbers are advised to the current property owner and Land Information NZ.

If you are building a second house on a property, contact the Council to have a second number allocated. Email

For replacement signage you can contact:
City Signs
30 Hillview Road
Phone (03) 366 0427