Park Terrace and Salisbury Street - pedestrian safety improvements


Our contractors will be carrying out work on the kerb and channels, making changes to the existing island, and installing speed hump, road markings and bollards.


We need to install safety improvements at the intersection for people walking and crossing Salisbury Street and Park Terrace.


Park Terrace and Salisbury Street intersection, Central City.


20 May 2024 to 30 May 2024. Monday to Friday, 7am to 5pm (weather/site condition dependent).


The contractor is Higgins Contractors Ltd. Work specific: Bryony Bunting, Phone 027 218 0945, Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm. General enquiries: Christine Crichton, Phone 027 285 2023, Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm.


What you need to know:

  • There will be cones and construction vehicles whilst work is being carried out.
  • Two lanes of traffic and pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.  On one occasion, the turn lane into Salisbury Street will be closed for the implementation of the speed hump.
  • Work will be rescheduled if the weather is bad.
  • There may be periods of noise and vibration, although we will aim to keep this to a minimum.

The work will involve:

  • Making changes to the existing island on Salisbury Street and Park Terrace, to improve visibility for people crossing Salisbury Street.
  • Improve the pedestrian crossing point on Salisbury Street and install tactile paving.
  • Installing a new speed hump to slow people turning into Salisbury Street at the crossing point.

Please be aware of the following hazards:

  • Movement of construction equipment around the site.
  • Uneven surfaces on the footpath.
  • Restricted traffic movement due to traffic management plan.
  • Pedestrians and cyclists.

Driveway access:

  • Access to properties will be maintained, however, we may need to work in front of driveways from time to time.
  • We will try to give you plenty notice of this.  However, if you need to get into or out of your property and we are in the way, please just talk to one of our friendly staff and we will make sure you can use your driveway.

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