Hagley Oval Carpark - surface redevelopment


Upgrade to the existing carpark surface and drainage.


We are upgrading the existing surface and drainage within this carpark as the final stage of this redevelopment project. The carpark will be upgraded from a gravel surface to an asphalt finished surface, designed to improve the surface quality and durability for all users. Drainage infrastructure will also be installed during the construction process, which will help improve the stormwater capability and discharge from within this area.


South Hagley Park, Riccarton Ave, Christchurch Central.


Early October 2023 to Late November 2023. Monday to Saturday, 6am to 6pm (weather/site conditions dependent)


The contractor is City Care Ltd. Phone 0508 248 922, Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm . Please advise if you have specific access requirements which could be affected during this process.


  • The carpark will be temporarily closed to the public while works are completed in this area.
  • Temporary site fencing and signs will be in place to help direct the public around the site and help maintain access to other areas of the park.
  • Spotters will be on site to safely assist pedestrians and motorist around the construction zone during this time.
  • There will be heavy machinery operating at this time with construction plant and vehicle movements taking place during the day.
  • There may be increased noise and dust during these works.
  • Normal traffic flows exiting the Hagley Oval Pavilion and Richard Hadlee Centre may be disrupted at times during stages of the works, but temporary traffic management will be in place to ensure two-way traffic can continue in and out of this area.
  • Access to the Western end of the carpark will be maintained to manage access to the Christ College fields and CCC maintenance facilities. This may be disrupted at times during stages of the works.


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