56 Brighton Mall - demolition


The demolition of 56 Brighton Mall (former Westpac building).


To remove the building to create a pedestrian walkway. This is part of Oram Avenue extension project.


56 Brighton Mall, New Brighton.


25 September 2023 to 1 December 2023. Monday to Friday, 7am to 6pm (weather/site condition dependent).


The contractor is Southern Demolition Ltd. Phone 021 939-951, Monday to Friday, 7am to 6pm. Or Selena Robertson, Council Project Manager. Phone 021 172 4817 or email Selena.Robertson@ccc.govt.nz.


The building at 56 Brighton Mall was purchased by the Council as part of the master planning for the Oram Avenue extension project, identified in the New Brighton Centre Master Plan (2015).

The Oram Avenue extension proposes to develop a new corridor extending from Oram Avenue (to the south) towards Keppel Street (to the north) and involves further property purchases. The Long Term Plan budget for this project is scheduled from Financial Year 2026 to Financial Year 2029.

In the interim, the project has focussed on the early demolition of 56 Brighton Mall. Once the building has been demolished the site will be converted to a pedestrian walkway.

Once demolition is complete, the site will be vacant for a period whilst we work on the design and complete surveying to locate services for the pedestrian walkway. The site will be fenced and protected during this period.

Demolition works

All asbestos-containing material (ACM) will be removed before demolition begins. Worksafe New Zealand safety protocols for the removal of the asbestos will be followed. Following the ACM removal works, an independent contractor will inspect the site and verify that it is asbestos free.

Demolition works will only begin once it is confirmed all ACM has been removed and clearance certification has been received.

Please take extra care in the area around the demolition site while work is underway. We will be doing everything we can to ensure residents’ safety. However, please be aware of the following if you are near the site:

  •   Fencing at the rear of the building where the demolition site will be located.
  •   Directional signage and fencing/cones for pedestrians at the front of the building for part of the works.
  •   Demolition equipment and trucks moving.

This is necessary to complete the work without delays and we appreciate your understanidng while the work is underway. 

Pedestrians and vehicles will be able to access local businesses within the area as usual.

This work may cause noise and vibration at times, but we will make every effort to keep disruption to a minimum. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we do this work.

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