Mandeville Street South East Riccarton - wastewater renewals


We are renewing the wastewater pipes in your street.


The pipes have reached the end of their service life and require replacing. Increased housing density requires some wastewater pipe sizes to be increased.


Mandeville Street from Riccarton Road to Blenheim Road, Riccarton, Christchurch.


Early October 2022 to late December 2023. Monday to Friday, 7am to 6pm. Saturday, 7am to 12pm (weather/site condition dependent).


The contractor is JFC Ltd, phone Eden Sloss on 021 420 745. Monday to Friday, 7am to 6pm.


  • This street is one of a package of works across South East Riccarton including Mandeville St, Kipax st, Nelson st, Dilworth St, Peveral st, Burdale St, Kyles st, Sefton St, Picton Ave, Lyndon St and Elizabeth St.
  • The work will progress in three separate locations, with three crews working concurrently.
  • Traffic flows will be planned so as far as possible, traffic detoured from one site does not get impacted by another site.
  • Mandeville St traffic management will have the road reduced to one way traffic with 2 way traffic where possible. Road closures for some locations may be needed for short periods. Night works will be required at some busy intersections. Notifications will be provided before these controls are put in place. 
  • Vehicle access to your property may be restricted at times during the works. The Contractor will make contact to discuss timing and work to minimise the disruption.  
  • Please advise us if you have any specific property access requirements e.g. medical visits, home help, large vehicle access, deliveries, planned works etc.
  • The works may result in increased dust, noise and vibrations. We will try to keep any disruption to a minimum, and we apologise in advance for any inconvenience.
  • Wastewater services to your properties will be continuously maintained.

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