We’re exploring new technology, innovative approaches and solutions to help make our city a smarter, safer place to live, work and play.

Christchurch City Council set up the Smart Christchurch programme in 2016 to promote Ōtautahi-Christchurch as an open and connected city.

Being a smart city brings many benefits, such as better planning and decision-making, attracting international talent to the city, and creating new business opportunities.

We work closely with other councils to share research and data, as well as partner companies (locally, nationally and internationally) and agencies to deliver our trials and projects.

All our projects fit within the Council's priorities and are designed to create a better Christchurch for everyone. 

What is a smart city?

A smart city is an urban area which applies innovation, technology, and data to improve its city environment.

Data is used to connect and manage the city’s infrastructure; helping to create a smarter, safer place for visitors and residents alike.

In recent years, smart cities have sprung up around the world, largely driven by four common goals:

  1. Improving the efficiency of city operations.
  2. Driving a strong local economy.
  3. Increasing citizens' participation in local government.
  4. Improving the quality of life for citizens.

Smart Christchurch strategy

The Smart Christchurch Strategy was formally approved by the Council in September 2022.

The strategy was developed in consultation with stakeholders from across the city’s innovation sector. Public consultation on the draft strategy ran from 23 June 2022 to 14 July 2022.

The finalised strategy maps out the next steps for the Smart Christchurch programme and sets the direction for the next three years.

The strategy also includes a number of focus areas, including sustainability and climate change. These are major challenges facing all cities and are a key focus for our Council.

Read the Smart Christchurch Strategy [PDF, 6.8 MB].


Innovation Expo 2023

Kōtuitui smart poles project


Fire detection sensors

Programme origin

Work with us

Smart Christchurch is an innovation enabler, bringing together parties which don’t normally collaborate, to help solve complex problems.

The public-private partnerships we have established have given us an opportunity to deliver solutions to some of the city’s challenges.

Whether you’ve got an innovative idea to share with us, are keen to get involved in a project, or want to hear more about something we’re working on, we’d love to hear from you.

Get in touch by emailing us at smartchristchurch@ccc.govt.nz