In 2009, Danish urban designer Jan Gehl led a study of central Christchurch called Public Space, Public Life. Similar studies have been undertaken in a number of the world's greatest cities.

Following the study, a series of recommendations were provided which informed the Council's 'A City for People Action Plan' to transform the central city.

This study and the action plan provided valuable data and a foundation for the development of recovery plans following the earthquakes, with many actions remaining relevant to achieve a vibrant and prosperous central city.

The study considered:

  • How people used Christchurch’s central-city spaces.
  • The quality of these public spaces.
  • How these spaces could better support public life and a sense of community.

The study suggested to create:

  • A central city where pedestrians, cyclists and public transport were given priority.
  • Strong links between amenities.
  • A stronger identity for the city.
  • Public places that were good for living, working and playing, for all age groups.

Download the Public Space, Public Life study

A City for People

A City for People is the action plan for the implementation of the Public Space Public Life Study undertaken in 2009.

A 12-year programme of activities to create a Central City which is vibrant, safe, attractive and where people want to spend their time.

The intention was to link the actions to three-yearly reviews of the Council's Long Term Plan.

A City for People Action Plan [PDF, 4.4 MB]