The Council charges lease fees for the temporary use of legal road, such as when containers, skips, fences or hoardings need to occupy public roads and footpaths.

example of construction site hoarding


The Council charges a leasing fee of $55/m2 per month for the temporary use of a legal road, with a minimum fee of $210.

The fee is relevant to the temporary obstruction or removal of access to footpaths and/or carriageways.

Terms and conditions relating to the payment of fees and other charges are specified on the application form.

Apply for temporary use of legal road

  1. Download the application form [PDF, 196 KB].
  2. Return your completed application form.
  3. We will process your application and confirm approval to proceed.
  4. We will invoice you for any fees applicable for the approved application.

Please allow 10 working days for the application to be processed.

Conditions for approval

  • Adequate footpath width must be available to pedestrians at all times. The minimum footpath width is two metres for inner-city and high volume shopping areas; and 1.5 metres in other areas.
  • Adequate road width is required for the placement so the placement does not block the lane.
  • A minimum of five metres is required between the placement and the neighbouring property's vehicle access so that residents can safely exit their properties.
  • The placement must be a minimum of 30 metres from a corner or intersection.
  • Traffic management must be provided for the placement for the entire duration. The following pages provide further traffic management information:
  • Offensive graffiti must be removed within 24 hours of notification.
  • The contractor must have a minimum of $500,000 in Public Liability Insurance. This policy shall indemnify the Council for all claims arising from the work. A higher cover of up to $1 million will be required for cranes work.
  • The Contractor must comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.
  • The Council reserves the right to set other special conditions as required.
  • The Council reserves the right to revoke the approval in writing under Section 24 of the Transport and Parking Bylaw 2017.
  • The Council reserves the right to revise the charges without notice to the approved applicant.

Additional conditions

Construction loading zones

  • Correct loading zone markings as per CSS Part 6 SD644.
  • Correct signage as per NZTA Manual of Traffic Signs and Markings (MoTSaM).
  • All temporarily redundant signage removed and stored for reinstatement at a later date.


  • A Traffic Management Plan is required.

Fencing or hoardings

  • An approval for fencing or hoardings is conditional upon obtaining a Council approved Traffic Management Plan
  • Fencing or hoardings must be clearly marked with fluorescent paint or reflective tape for visibility at night.
  • Acceptance letter must be readily available on site.


  • Approval for a container is conditional upon obtaining a Council-approved Traffic Management Plan.
  • The container cannot be placed within 30 metres of an intersection if it obstructs the line of sight of a driver.
  • The approval letter must be visible on the shipping container.


  • An approval for outfall is conditional upon obtaining a Council approved Traffic Management Plan.
  • Do not place within 30 metres of an intersection if the outfall obstructs the line of sight of drivers.
  • An acceptance letter must be readily available on site.


Approval for a portacom is conditional upon obtaining a Council approved Traffic Management Plan.


  • An approval for scaffold is conditional upon obtaining a Council approved Traffic Management Plan.
  • Scaffolding must be clearly marked with fluorescent paint or reflective tape for visibility at night.
  • An acceptance letter must be readily available on site.

Sculpture, art or temporary bollards

  • An approval for sculpture, art and/or temporary bollards is conditional upon obtaining a Council approved Traffic Management Plan.
  • An acceptance letter must be readily available on site.


  • An approval for a skip is conditional upon obtaining a Council approved Traffic Management Plan.
  • Do not place the skip within 30 metres of an intersection if it obstructs the line of sight of a driver.
  • An acceptance letter must be readily available on site.

Temporary vehicle crossing

  • An approval for a temporary vehicle crossing is conditional upon obtaining a Council approved Traffic Management Plan.
  • An acceptance letter must be readily available on site.
  • In addition to the above, it may be necessary to install a full Construction Standard Specifications (CSS) compliant vehicle crossing for the duration. Please contact the Road Amenity and Asset Protection Team on 03 941 8999 or email to discuss further.

If you require any further information regarding your application contact the Road Amenity and Asset Protection Team on phone 03 941 8999 or email