Our future together – a strategy to make Christchurch a city where diversity is welcomed and celebrated.

Executive summary

Our Future Together recognises that the Council has a leadership role in making Christchurch a city where diversity is welcomed and celebrated. This strategy outlines what the Council can do in terms of improving service delivery, upskilling the internal organisation and developing authentic relationships to achieve the outcome of a diverse, inclusive and welcoming city. 

This Strategy acknowledges Ngāi Tahu are mana whenua — the indigenous people of our area in Christchurch, and that Te Tiriti o Waitangi is the foundation document of New Zealand. 

The strategy's vision

Aroha ki te whenua, te tūāpapa o te manaaki. Kia atawhai ki te iwi. 

Love and respect to the land, which is the foundation of hospitality. Care for the people.

Ōtautahi Christchurch is an inclusive multicultural and multilingual city that honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi and values our environment – a city where all people belong.

Our Future Together was developed in partnership with community leaders and seeks three outcomes:

  1. Ngā Pou Haumaru – The sheltering mountains – the land.
    A safe place that people are welcomed into, where each person is cared for and Rangatiratanga is respected.
  2. Te Wairua Rāhiri – The welcoming spirit – the home people
    A commitment to welcoming all who arrive to Ōtautahi with aroha and manaakitanga. A commitment to reciprocity when given such a welcome.
  3. Te Waka Eke Noa – A purpose and model – the canoe we all are part of
    An environment we can access where we can achieve common goals and understand the importance of working together.

These outcomes are supported by a set of goals and actions. Priority actions are outlined in this Strategy. The Council will develop a five-year implementation plan with the community which will contain these actions and targets. 

The goals and actions build on the work already undertaken by the community, Council and its partners to celebrate the diversity of all cultures, faiths and ethnicities in this city. 

The Council will:

  • monitor implementation of the Strategy across the Council with the community, and
  • publish an annual Diversity and Inclusion report.

Multicultural Strategy and Implementation Plan