Council provides services related to estimates of development contribution charges and objections to development contribution assessments.

Please note, development contribution charges are detailed in the Council's Development Contributions Policy.

Development contributions estimates

Estimates of development contributions where no building consent, resource consent, subdivision consent or service connection has been applied for. 

Fees and charges for development contribution estimates are set under section 12 of the Local Government Act 2002. 

Item Fee
Estimate of development contributions (Fixed fee) $100.00

Development contributions objections

Fees and charges for development contribution objections are set under section 199C of the Local Government Act 2002

The time taken to process an objection is charged at the relevant scheduled hourly rate, plus the actual cost of the commissioners and disbursements.

Time is charged at the hourly rate applicable at the time the work was carried out.

If the cost of processing exceeds the Deposit the Objector will be invoiced for the additional fees.  Alternatively, the balance of the deposit will be refunded if the processing charge is less than the deposit.

Item Fee
Deposit required before processing of the objection will commence $1,000.00
Development contributions commissioners Actual cost 
Secretarial costs (hourly rate) $105.00
Administrative costs - Development Contributions Assessors (hourly rate) $150.00
Administrative costs - Team Leader/Manager level (hourly rate) $200.00
Disbursements Actual cost 

Debt recovery

Where the Council has issued an invoice for the payment of any fee or charge and the amount invoiced has not been paid by the stated due date on the invoice, the Council may commence debt recovery action.

The Council reserves the right to charge interest, payable from the date the debt became due, and recover costs incurred in pursuing recovery of the debt on a solicitor/client basis as outlined in the fees and charges schedule of the Council's Long Term Plan.