My principal place of residence is in the Burwood Ward area.
My message is simple: Our city needs change. We need to get the basics right. Roads, rubbish, recycling and rates, and we need to push through the red tape holding our city back to get things done.
As current Chair of our local community board, I know the issues. I will vote on what's best for the people of the Burwood Ward as your independent voice.
I love Burwood and have lived here with my family for 30+ years. My wife was born here, and we raised our children here. This is our home.
I helped start the Burwood East Residents' Association, volunteer as a Trustee of a local group planning our new Community Centre, and I volunteer for the Community Watch, helping keep our community safe.
A vote for me is a vote for change. Vote Kelly Barber for Council. Contact me anytime 02108676195 or