Surface flooding can look alarming but our stormwater network is designed to cope with heavy rain.

Lady walking under an umbrella

Christchurch is a very flat area and extended or heavy rainfall can cause parts of the city to flood.

Our stormwater network includes open drains, pipes, pump stations, stopbanks and retention basins, as well as other structures such as the Woolston barrier on the Heathcote River.

Ponding or surface flooding on roads during wet weather

Our road network is part of our stormwater network and plays an important role during wet weather events.

In most parts of the city our roads have been designed as secondary flow paths for stormwater. This provides another layer of protection for houses across our district. In heavy rain we expect to see some of our roads flood with water. This is better than houses or property flooding. 

Things you don't need to report

During flooding events, we expect to see surface flooding that will drain once the rain stops.

Our system is designed to cope with rain and it is normal to see a certain level of flooding including: 

  • Water ponding on roads causing road closures.
  • Flooding across roads in low-lying areas and near rivers, such as St Albans and along the Heathcote River.
  • High water levels in rivers, including flooding across roads and parks.

When to get in touch with us

If you or your property are in immediate danger or need assistance to evacuate, call 111.

Get in touch with us on 03 941 8999 or 0800 800 169 if flooding is threatening property or causing significant issues for your community, such as:

  • If you notice a slip or landslide.
  • Flooding is posing a threat to property.
  • You can see a blocked drain causing issues for your community. 
  • You can see a road that needs to be closed.