Autumn bingo
Occupy the kids with autumn bingo on your next walk or even in the backyard. This activity teaches children to not just use your eyes but engage all senses to fully experience autumn. Colour in as you find everything. Download and print [PDF, 662 KB].
Insect observations
Bring out your child’s inner David Attenborough with a backyard bug hunt. Send your children out to search around the dirt and plants until they find a cool-looking bug to make observations about. Get them to take a journal out with them to log their findings. How many legs does it have? Do you think it pollinates flowers? Can it fly? Draw where you think it lives. Help them research their bug afterwards. You’ll have a mini naturalist on your hands in no time.
Creative treasure trail
Combine outdoors with creativity by hiding pieces of lego around the garden and getting your kids to make something out of the pieces they find. If you don’t have lego, you could hide coloured pencils and get them to draw you a picture using only the colours they find. Or do something together and hide ingredients around the garden – once found you could cook or bake using them.