Barnett Park sports field lighting

Do you support the Ferrymead Bays Football Club to install additional lighting in Barnett Park?

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 2 August 2021 to 24 August 2021

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Consultation has now closed

Consultation on Barnett Park sports field lighting has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 3 August to 24 August 2021. During this time we heard from 105 individuals and groups. The table of consultation feedback is now available. 

Consultation responses received  [PDF, 476 KB]

This report went to Council on 6 October and the decision was made to approve the application to install sports lights. You can view the minutes from this meeting here. (external link)


Ferrymead Bays Football Club is allocated winter sports fields on Barnett Park. The Club currently has four light towers along the east boundary of the playing fields which are used for night training.

Club membership has significantly increased over recent years and the existing lighting no longer covers the amount of field required for the number of players training in the evening.

Application proposal

The Club has applied to install six additional light towers. 

Two on the eastern field boundary (extending the line of four existing lights) and four on the western boundary, next to the bush-covered slope below Moncks Spur Road.

The new light towers would be approximately 18m tall, 4m taller than the existing towers. Each new tower would have three lights.

The Club hours of use for night training will stay 5.30 to 8.30pm Monday to Friday, between the months of April and September.

The Club would like to have the additional lighting in place for the 2022 football season. 

Modern light technology effectively controls light distribution (see image below), preventing it from entering neighbouring properties.

Barnett Park lighting distribution

Light distribution from the new towers.

Come talk to us

Day:  Tuesday 10 August 

Location: on field, Barnett Park, Redcliffs

Time: 4pm to 5.30pm

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Who to contact

Gina Ryan,
Engagement Advisor

How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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