Taylors Mistake Surf Life Saving Club - lease/licence

Consultation has now closed and the Waikura Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board have approved the lease and licence.
Feedback was received on a proposal to change the lease and licence for the Taylors Mistake Surf Life Saving Club, to allow them t

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 30 July 2019 to 20 August 2019

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Existing Taylors Mistake Surf Life Saving Club

Existing Taylors Mistake Surf Life Saving Club


Consultation has now closed and the Community Board has approved the lease and licence.

Consultation on the proposed lease and licence for new buildings at Taylors Mistake Surf Life Saving Club has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from Tuesday 30 July, to Tuesday 20 August, 2019. You can read all feedback received [PDF, 229 KB] and the staff report on the lease and licence was available from 15 September at christchurch.infocouncil.biz(external link)

The report was considered by the Waikura Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board at their meeting on 18 September and they approved the lease.

 The following outlines the consultation information and process for this project.

Talk to the team

Saturday 10 August 2019, 1.30pm to 3.30pm.
Matuku Takotako: Sumner Centre, 14/16 Wakefield Avenue, Sumner.


The Taylors Mistake Surf Life Saving Club have operated from Te Onepoto: Taylors Mistake Beach for over 100 years.

They have continued to provide their services to the community from temporary containers and Portacoms since their existing two-storey clubroom building had to be vacated due to earthquake damage.

The Club now wish to rebuild on their current site.

New buildings

Higher floor levels are now required for buildings in this location to meet flood level standards. If the Club replaced the building with a two-storey building as it is now, they would need to build it higher than it is currently.

To address this, the Club have chosen to replace their two-storey building with two separate single-storey buildings. This will also be less visually dominant in the beach environment. 

A concept design for a new main pavilion building, approximately 315m2 in area, has been developed to occupy the same site as the existing building.

A separate new building providing storage for boats and surf patrol gear, approximately 197m2 in area, is proposed to be built slightly south of the new pavilion building.

Birds-eye-view of the new buildings looking from the hill down to the beach

Birds-eye-view of the new buildings*

Proposed new pavilion looking back towards the hill from the beach

Proposed new pavilion*

Perspective drawings of the proposed new buildings

Perspective drawings of the proposed new buildings

All architectural images courtesy of Wilson and Hill.

Lease and licence information

The majority of Te Onepoto: Taylors Mistake Beach is a legal road for which a lease to occupy cannot be granted.

The Club wish to rebuild on their original building footprint which will be partly on the legal road and partly on a land parcel at 229 Taylors Mistake Road (Lot 7 DP 6419) held for recreation purposes. The proposed new storage building will also be on a legal road.

To enable the Club to rebuild, we are proposing to:

  1. Grant a lease over approximately 188 square metres of Lot 7 DP 6419 for a period of 35 years (minus 1 day) for part of the main building.
  2. Grant a licence for a structure on a road over a total of approximately 593 square metres of legal road for a period of 35 years for:
    • The remaining part of the main building
    • The concrete apron in  front of the main building (existing – to remain)
    • The storage building

The proposed licence for structures of this type on legal road, and for this length of time, will be a departure from Council policy.

There will still be a main pedestrian access way to the beach between the two new buildings.

The proposed new buildings will not obstruct the sealed driveway behind the existing building now (Lot 7 DP 6419). 

Plan of the proposed lease and licence areas

What happens next?

Once the consultation period has closed, the project team will analyse the feedback and produce a staff report which will go to the Waikura Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board for their recommendation to Council on the approval of a lease and licence.

At this stage we are anticipating that a recommendation by the Waikura Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board will be made at their meeting of 18 September 2019 and a decision made by Council on 26 September 2019.

All submitters will receive written updates on the project, including details of the staff recommendations and meetings, and how to request to speak at the meeting if they wish to do so.

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  • Decision made

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