Te Oka Reserve Management Plan initial information gathering

Christchurch City Council appreciates your comments and suggestions for planning the future of Te Oka Reserve. Your input will help us draft a management plan for Te Oka Reserve, which will determine how the park is looked after for future generations.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 21 June 2017 to 24 July 2017

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Updated time-frames for formal consultation on the draft Te Oka Management Plan

  • Report to Banks Peninsula Community Board, seeking approval to consult on the draft management plan - mid October 2018
  • Consultation on the draft plan including drop in sessions in Akaroa and Little River - October to December 2018
  • Separate hearings at Akaroa and Little River - early 2019
  • Hearings Panel report to Community Board  - by mid 2019

Te Oka Reserve

Te Oka ReserveTe Oka Reserve

Extending from sea level to about 680 metres in altitude, this is the only park on Banks Peninsula that provides the opportunity for sea to summit ecological restoration.

The Council purchased 903 hectares of farmland adjoining Te Oka and Tumbledown Bays to form this park, with the aim of protecting and enhancing biodiversity and natural landscape, and to provide recreational opportunities in a natural setting.

Existing grazing rights are overseen by an on-site farm manager.

Recreational features include

  • A  high quality natural landscape setting in a range of different environments
  • An excellent track network
  • Access to swimming and surf at adjacent beaches in Tumbledown and Te Oka Bays
  • A waterfall in the Tumbledown valley
  • Existing and possible walking routes means there is potential for recreation and/or tourism experience occupying two or more days.

HeadlandsWhy have a reserve management plan?

A reserve management plan is a statutory requirement for all parks held as reserves under the Reserves Act 1977. Its purpose is to give direction for proper management of a park through stated policies, and to highlight any development needs.

Waterfall Te Oka Stream

What is a recreation reserve?

The purpose of a recreation reserve is primarily to provide areas for recreation and sporting activities and public welfare and physical enjoyment, while also protecting the natural environment and beauty of the countryside.

Te Oka Reserve is made up of four parcels of land that are recreation reserve as defined by Section 17 of the Reserves Act 1977.

Next steps

After we have gathered comments and suggestions about the future of Te Oka Reserve, we will

  • consider all the feedback
  • draft the management plan
  • invite public feedback on the draft plan

The draft management plan is expected to be completed in late 2017 and public consultation on this to extend into early 2018. 

Te Oka locality map

Planned project timeframes

  • Public initial information gathering 21 June - 24 July 2017
  • Public consultation on draft plan  October to December   2018
  • Hearings Early 2019 
  • Council decision By mid - 2019 


map of area

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How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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