Main South Road right turn and U-turn restrictions

We propose stopping vehicles from turning right and making a U-turn in two locations on Main South Road.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 14 June 2018 to 6 July 2018

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Consultation has now closed

Consultation on Main South Road right turn and U-turn restrictions has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from Thursday 14 June to Friday 6 July 2018. During this time we heard from 46 individuals and groups. You can read their feedback here [PDF, 222 KB] and also find out how this influenced the Community Board decision(external link).

Work on this project will start in December 2018. 


We have received complaints from the public about vehicles turning right and making U-turns on Main South Road, at the intersection with Green Lane and opposite Harvard Avenue. In both locations there is no right turn bay leaving vehicles performing these manoeuvres blocking the southwest bound traffic (towards Hornby) on the inside lane. Vehicles travel down from the Sockburn overbridge at speed and traffic backlogs in these locations have the potential to cause serious rear end crashes.  To improve safety and reduce the likelihood of accidents we propose banning the right turn and U-turn movements on Main South Road, at the intersection with Green Lane and opposite Harvard Avenue. Alternate access will be maintained via the turning bay on Main South Road, west of Springs Road or via Harvard Avenue, Henry Wigram Drive and Springs Road.

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  • Decision made

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