Godley Quay/Voelas Road pedestrian improvements

As part of Lyttelton Port Company’s development of Te Ana Marina, public steps have been installed to link with Godley Quay and Voelas Road.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 10 July 2018 to 30 July 2018

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Banks Peninsula Community Board decision

The Banks Peninsula/Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Community Board decision(external link)

Consultation has now closed

Summary of feedback

We received 17 submissions.

Godley Quay no stopping

Three were in support, six were not in support, and eight were in support but had some concerns.

Godley Quay/Voelas Road pedestrian improvements

Six were in support, four were not in support, six were in support but had some concerns and one did not specify.

Key topics raised were:

  • Position of steps
  • Parking for residents - Council cannot guarantee on street parking outside any property. Please refer to Residents' parking(external link) on our website.
  • Getting trucks/trailers around left on to Voelas Road from the marina - please see 'Changes to proposal' below.

Changes to the proposal

We considered all feedback and some changes have been recommended, following further input from the project team:

  • Re designing the pedestrian island, so it is low enough to be driven over.

Project feedback [PDF, 129 KB]

A report will be presented to the Banks Peninsula Community board for project approval at their meeting on Monday 10 September 2018.  The agenda will be available on the Council website from Friday 7 September 2018.



We are proposing to upgrade the intersection of Godley Quay and Voelas Road, to provide a safe pedestrian access to these steps.We are also proposing to install new no stopping restrictions on Godley Quay to address the obstruction to pedestrians caused by illegally parked vehicles. These vehicles are also causing fuel tankers to cross the centre line to navigate the road.


Godley Quay/Voelas Road pedestrian improvements - Refer to plan A

  • Install a pedestrian refuge on Voelas Road at the Godley Quay intersection
  • Install a mountable extension to the footpath enabling pedestrians to look further up the road before crossing. For vehicles turning left, this will assist in reducing speed, and maintain access for larger and towing vehicles
  • Install no stopping lines on either side of Voelas Road near the new pedestrian refuge
  • Install a platform above the steps to enable a safe crossing point across Godley Quay
  • Install no stopping on Godley Quay between Voelas Road and Simeon Quay. On street parking will be available between 6 - 18 Godley Quay. 

Godley Quay parking restrictions - Refer to plan B

  • Install edge lines to define the road edge and no stopping lines along Godley Quay to Cyrus William Quay, on both sides of the road. 

Plan A - Godley Quay/Voelas Road [PDF, 1.4 MB]

Plan B - Godley Quay parking restrictions [PDF, 5.5 MB]

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How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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