20 Dec 2018

It may have been a wet start to the summer but the need to conserve water remains.

“The frequent rain over the past few weeks has meant our water use has stayed largely in the green zone, which is where we want it to be,’’ says Christchurch City Council Three Waters and Waste Technical Services Manager Tim Drennan.

A tap being turned off.

Make sure you water wisely over the holidays.

“As soon as we get some warmer days though it could easily creep into the yellow or red zone, which increases the likelihood of water restrictions being needed.

“Our goal this summer is to keep our water use in the green zone so as we head into the holidays please continue to use water wisely and conserve where possible.

“Normally at this time of year when we get hot days and everyone is out watering their gardens we need to draw water from all our wells to keep up with the demand.

“This summer we want to be able shut down some of the wells so we can continue the work to convert the below ground well heads to above ground well heads. That’s only going to be possible if people continue to conserve water,’’ Mr Drennan says.

To help keep track of the city’s water use, the Council has upgraded its online colour coded water dial so that residents can see at a glance how much water is being used across the city and in their individual water zone.

Key water saving tips
  • Water your garden before 7am or after 9pm.
  • Ditch your sprinkler or irrigation system and water with a hand-held hose instead
  • Avoid watering in strong winds as it quickly evaporates the water.
  • If you’re washing your car, do it on the lawn so you’re watering the lawn at the same time.
  • Keep children’s paddling pools covered with a tarpaulin when not in use to keep rubbish out so you can use the water for several days in a row. When you need to change the water, use a bucket to empty the water from the paddling pool into your garden.
  • Keep showers under five minutes to save up to 3700 litres of water a month.
  • Up to 20 per cent of household water use is for washing clothes. Cutting one load a week could save 50 litres so wait until you have a full load before turning the washing machine on.