Jeffreys replacement water tank alternative option

Submitter feedback on a draft concept for the location and design of the Jeffreys Reserve water tank resulted in further investigation of eight options.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 23 April 2018 to 14 May 2018

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Update November 2019

Project update information 

Tree removal plan [PDF, 736 KB] 

Landscape plan [PDF, 578 KB]


Update late August 2018

On Monday 20 August 2018 The Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board decided to 

  • Approve site Option 2 for the construction of the replacement water tank
  • Accept the concept plan for the suction tank (which was the same plan used in the consultation)

Update August 2018

Consultation has now closed 

70 submissions were received.

You can read the

Consultation feedback [PDF, 2.1 MB]

Summary of feedback and project team response [PDF, 54 KB]

Submitters will be informed ahead of the details of the meeting, including how to request speaking rights.

Please note a correction to the numbers indicated in the table included in the letter to submitters: 35 submitters support Option 2, not 34 as shown.

Feedback from October 2017 consultation on the replacement Jeffreys pump station suction tank in Jeffreys Reserve resulted in detailed investigation of a range of alternative locations, including suggestions from residents. The Council then commissioned an independent peer review of eight potential location options.

A preferred alternative location and design (Option 2, artist’s impression shown above) in the existing pump station area offers the following key benefits, while also meeting new water storage standards and requirements:

  • Compact, fenced pump station and suction tank ensuring high security
  • Site specific architecturally designed structures for the new tank and existing pump station
  • Option increases land available for park users by 200m2 (currently located within the existing fenced area)
  • Reduced impact on neighbours and park users by lowering the height of the tank
  • Lower operating costs than the previous proposal (Option 1) and other options considered

What needs to be done and why

The earthquake – damaged below ground suction tank at Jeffreys Pump Station needs to be replaced as soon as possible, so that all four deep wells on site can be connected. This will ensure security and resilience for the Northwest water supply network. The existing 200 cubic metre suction tank is not in use, and only two wells are directly connected to the water supply. At the moment water is supplied from other wells in the network when there is high demand in the area.

When all the four wells are connected, Jeffreys Pump Station will exceed pre-earthquake supply capacity and meet design standards for at least 500 cubic metres per hour with a one hour buffer capacity.

This will ensure water quality at all times including peak demand, including the ability to treat the water in an emergency if needed. A stand-by diesel generator supports the pump station during emergency power failure.

Feedback on option 1

The concept design and location put forward for comment in October last year was chosen because of its low capital cost, compliance with resource consent requirements and low impact on useable park space.

Key issues raised by most of the 35 submitters included the size, shape and proximity of the tank and the effects on adjacent neighbours and park, safety and security, general visual concerns, and ground conditions.

In response to consultation feedback the project team analysed and assessed eight possible new sites.

Options analysis

The location of the eight options considered (amended Option 1)

The following criteria were used to select a compact, secure site, and a tank designed to future proof water supply.

  • Technical  - hydraulic performance, design construction, site features
  • Environmental -site contamination, impact on waterways
  • Social  - community and visual impact, CPTED  (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) principles
  • Financial -  capital and operational cost

Given a high weighting in the assessment

The ranking for the options was (highest to lowest) - Option 2, 7, 5, 6, 1, 8, 3, 4

Features and benefits of option 2

  • Concept drawings showing location of Option 2, and amended Option 1 reducing height to 4 metres

    A consolidated overall design includes the new tank next to the existing, re-clad pump station
  • The site - specific architectural design for the tank and pump station includes a pergola
  • Visual effects are reduced as the height of the tank will be four metres above ground and half a metre below ground
  • Minimal park space is used for the tank, as the integrated design of pump station and the tank is more compact, and there are more opportunities for landscaping
  • The location has less overall impact on neighboring properties and is visually less dominant in the park. Proposed trees will give scale and soften the tank façade along with appropriate landscape planting
  • For safety and security, the existing barbed wire will be replaced with a pool - style black steel railing fence to also enclose the rear of the pump station
  • Ground conditions by the stream will be managed through engineering design and construction
  • Asphalt surfaces in the park will be reduced to match a reduction in vehicle circulation areas
  • New pedestrian circulation paths will  link in with the existing path network
  • There will be savings in energy use and pump upgrades because the pump station and suction tank are in close proximity.

Option 2 draft concept design [PDF, 7.2 MB]

Next steps

The Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board needs to make a decision about the new tank location and design (the preferred option is Option 2). Following consultation, the project team will get back to submitters with a consultation summary, the staff recommendation and the meeting date and time.

Once a plan is finalised work will be done in two stages: Stage 1—Detailed Design Stage 2—Construction.

Construction work (estimated to take eight months) will be during usual working hours but there will be some inconvenience to residents and park users. Every effort will be made to minimise noise and disruption.

Adjacent residents will be able to provide input to the colour of the tank and building. Timeframes are indicative only.

View across park from Jeffreys Road to existing pump station and tank

Please come and talk to us at

Tuesday 1 May from 4.30pm to 6.30pm at the Community Board Room, fendalton Library corner Jeffreys Clyde Roads.

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How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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